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A helper object is provied to deal with the holotomo.

It handle the setup of the distances to be used for a specific pixel size. This is done by selecting a distance for the sample, while the detector stays in place.

It handles 2 ways to setup the distances, based on an offset or a ration of the first distance.

If a tracked translation-x axis is setup from the tomo config, it is used. Else the translation-x axis is used.


- name: mrtomo_holo
  plugin: bliss
  class: Holotomo
  package: tomo.controllers.holotomo

  # reference to the main tomo configuration
  # with that we have to know everything needed
  # including sx, srot...
  tomo: $tomo_config

  # The coefficients to use to compute the distances
  # in 'ratio' mode
  ratios: [1.0, 1.0429, 1.2145, 1.5708, 1.7321, 2.0]

  # The coefficients to use to compute the distances
  # in 'offset' mode
  offsets: [0.0, 1.0, 5.0, 15.0]

  # The way to calculate the distances: One of 'offset' or 'ratio'
  calcmode: ratio

  # sleep time after a settle to a distance, in second
  settle_time: 0.06


The object have to be imported on the session.

After that it is also available from the tomo config object.

Else, it also can be used by it's name.

Show the state

The holotomo object have a common info.

It displays few informations, plus actual distance.

DEMO_SESSION [2]: tomo_config.holotomo
         Out [2]: Holotomo:

                  pixel size          200     um
                  stabilization time    0.06  s
                  actual distance       2
                  x-axis (sx)         190.09  mm

                    #    distance [mm]    position [mm]    fov [mm]
                  ---  ---------------  ---------------  ----------  ---
                    1           2000             104.29     25.6
                    2           2085.8           190.09     26.6982  <--
                    3           2429             533.29     31.0912
                    4           3141.6          1245.89     40.2125

Setup with a pixel size

DEMO_SESSION [8]: tomo_config.holotomo.pixel_size = 0.025
DEMO_SESSION [9]: tomo_config.holotomo
         Out [9]: Holotomo:

                  pixel size          0.025  um
                  stabilization time  0.06   s
                  actual distance

                    #    position [mm]    fov [mm]
                  ---  ---------------  ----------  --
                    1         -1895.46  0.0032
                    2         -1895.45  0.00333728
                    3         -1895.41  0.0038864
                    4         -1895.32  0.00502656

Setup with the first distance

DEMO_SESSION [10]: tomo_config.holotomo.first_distance = 2000
DEMO_SESSION [11]: tomo_config.holotomo
         Out [11]: Holotomo:

                   pixel size          200     um
                   stabilization time    0.06  s
                   actual distance

                     #    position [mm]    fov [mm]
                   ---  ---------------  ----------  --
                     1           104.29     25.6
                     2           190.09     26.6982
                     3           533.29     31.0912
                     4          1245.89     40.2125

Move to a distance

umove and move are provided to move to an already setup distance.

DEMO_SESSION [15]: tomo_config.holotomo.move(1)
Moving sx from -895.710000 to 104.290000
DEMO_SESSION [16]: tomo_config.holotomo.umove(1)

user   104.290000
dial   104.290000