Because tomo sequences are based on fscan library, you need first to configure fscan. You can look here how to do it:
- name: fscan_mrtomo
class: FScanConfig
package: fscan.fscanconfig
musst: $musst
measgroup: $mrtomocounters
rotation_motors: $srot_eh2
Basic optics can be configured in ebs-tomo. For example, optic with fixed magnification:
#fixed magnification optic
plugin: bliss
class: FixedmagOptic
package: tomo.optic.fixedmag_optic
rotc_motor: $rotcrefl
focus_motor: $focusrefl
focus_type: "rotation" # translation or rotation
image_flipping_hor: False
image_flipping_vert: True
magnification: 10
scintillators: ["Lso23"]
If you want a more flexible object, there is user optic which allows you to specify motors, magnification, etc directly in bliss session
# user defined optic
- name: uoptic
plugin: bliss
class: UserOptic
package: tomo.optic.user_optic
scintillators: ['scinti1','scinti2','scinti3']
There are also specific optics. You can find all the list here: #link towards optics page#
Tomo Detector
Now that you have configured your optic, you can associate it one detector with the following object:
- name: dimax_optic
plugin: bliss
class: TomoDetector
package: tomo.controllers.tomo_detector
detector: $dimax
optic: $uoptic
TomoDetector object allows to know detector pixel size according to camera pixel size and optic magnification. On this object, you can also specify if you want to set sample pixel size manually (automatically calculated with sample/source distances by default). You have to do this for all detectors you want to use in ebs-tomo.
Tomo Detectors
Then to group all tomo detector objects, you have to declare one tomo detectors object:
- name: mrdetectors_optic
plugin: bliss
class: TomoDetectors
package: tomo.controllers.tomo_detectors
- $edgedzoom_optic
- $edgezoom_optic
- $edgetwinmic_optic
detector_axis: $mrxc
Detector axis is used to deduce sample detector distance according to axis position and a specific offset value associated to each tomo detector object. We can then calculate pixel size automatically.
Tomo Reference Configuration
This object handles axis movements to put sample out of beam when taking flat images and then put sample back in beam.
- name: mrref_displ
plugin: bliss
class: FlatMotion
package: tomo.controllers.flat_motion
motor: $yrot_eh2
settle_time: 2.0
Reference object can also handle a list of motors if you need it.
Tomo Configuration
After having configured previous objects you can create a tomoconfig object. It is used to describe the beamline:
- name: mrtomo_config
plugin: bliss
class: TomoConfig
package: tomo.controllers.tomo_config
fscan_config: $fscan_mrtomo
reference: $mrref_displ
detectors: $mrdetectors_optic
# Motor under the rotation in the direction of the beam
translation_x: null
# Motor under the rotation orthogonal to the beam and the vertical plan
translation_y: $yrot_eh2
# Motor under the rotation moving the sample vertically
translation_z: $sz_eh2
# Motor controlling the rotation axis
rotation: $srot_eh2 # axis object for the tomo rotation
# Real motor moving the sample on top of the rotation axis
sample_u: $sx_eh2
# Real motor moving the sample on top of the rotation axis
sample_v: $sy_eh2
default_single_chain: $MRTOMO_int_chain # bliss default chain to be used for dark, flat and
# return scans when detector is in single mode
default_accumulation_chain: $MRTOMO_int_chain_acc # bliss default chain to be used for dark, flat and
# return scans when detector is in accumulation mode
machinfo: $machinfo # bliss MachInfo object (optional)
beam_shutter: $bsh1 # (optional)
frontend: $frontend # (optional)
These 3 last keys are used to activate some securities on tomo scans as check refill, wait for beam and check beam. To know more about it: #link towards securities page#